The FREE Master’s Degree!!!

You can now get learning for a Master’s degree for free. If just want to learn, we have opened up our recorded lectures to all for free. If however you would like to get credit for your courses, and work towards a degree then there are two options to chose from:

BenefitsFree OptionAssociate Student MemberFull Student Membership
Listen to full recorded lecturesXXX
Access to knowledge from some of the top faculty around the worldXXX
Access to online blog with reading materialsXXX
Submit assessments and get feedback from the facultyXX
Get credit for your course workXX
Attend online live lecturesX
Interact with faculty & get feedback during term timeX
Interact with other registered studentsX
Access to closed WhatsApp group with faculty and studentsX
Access to online Virtual Learning EnvironmentXXX
Access to learning material posted by facultyX
Ability to get a Master’s DegreeXX
Fee per course
(Total 8-10 courses depending on credit for each course. Or 8 courses and a dissertation)