Certified Customer Experience Practitioner (CCXP)


Certified Customer Experience Practitioner (CCXP)

Exam/Assessment Cost:  $ 495

Accredited by:  European Marketing and Management Association (EUMMAS)


Customer Experience Management (CEM) or simply Customer Experience (CX) is one of the most important areas within the marketing domain. Successful implementation of CX within an organisation has many advantages, including higher customer satisfaction, improved returns on investment, and overall a greater shareholder value. We will study the best practice firms, and use a model to develop our own CX programmes. The programme will also look at tools that will help us to reassess our CX programmes in order to improve them in line with global best practices. 

Key topics:

  • The CX Journey (from Service Dominant Logic to CX)
  • CX Strategy development
  • The 12-Steps to a great CEM programme
  • Customer Journey Mapping within CEM
  • CRM, CX and Customer Loyalty
  • Moving from Like to Love. Getting customer to love your brand

European Certified

Participants completing this programme will get an internationally accredited certification from the European Marketing and Management Association (EUMMAS).  EUMMAS is an association of some of the leading business schools in Europe (https://eummas.net/honorary-board/)

Certification Cost

CCXP Certification assessment costs $ 695.  However ICM is offering a discounted price at $495.

Assessment Process

  1. You will need to register for the assessment by paying the assessment fee.
  2. Once you have registered, you will receive the CCXP assessment via email.
  3. You will have 6 weeks to complete the assessment.  The assessment document will cover the requirements for passing each section of the assessment.
  4. Email in your assessment, and it will be sent to our assessors (examiners) to review.  You will receive a reply within 2 weeks time.
  5. When you pass the assessment, you will be awarded the CCXP certification.  If you are unable to pass the assessment, you will be given an opportunity to resubmit the assessment at no extra cost.

You can start the Certification Process by purchasing the assessment or write to Sally Parker (s.parker@icustman.com).